Migration Readiness

Many migrations are stalled before they even get started.  Facing the unknown can prevent organizations from making educated decisions with confidence, and can cause delays in strategy execution.  Wicresoft’s migration assessment will identify migration readiness, necessary steps to migration, and will put you on the right track for success.

Project Online Migration

Moving to the cloud can be an overwhelming task for many organizations.  Wicresoft’s migration as a service can help you create a Project Online test environment leveraging your current configuration, modify your environment based on transformational needs, and migrate all historical data to Project Online.  Reduce time and costs and migrate today.

Migration Support

Have you already kicked off your migration project, but now facing unforeseen issues that could potentially impact the outcome of a successful migration?  Let Wicresoft’s migration support services and dedicated experts guide you through your migration to ensure it’s done right and without introducing unnecessary risks.

Strategy with Purpose

Many leaders facing transformation initiatives have unanswered questions that prevent forward progress.  Wicresoft can help leaders plan for disruption, allowing teams to get in front of the changes that often set teams back, introduce risks and create operational chaos.  New technology, industry trends, regulatory compliance and shifting market demands are only some of the forces that disrupt today’s modern workplace.  Creating a strategy that will bring maximum value and executing that strategy with little impact to the business is what we do best.

  • 47%
    Haven’t Started Transformation
  • 26%
    Are Ready for Transformation
  • 70%
    That Tried Have Failed

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